Absolute Aromas Niaouli 10ml

Absolute Aromas Niaouli 10ml

Product code: AAT145-10ML
Barcode: 800783145109

3 in stock, immediate despatch

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Method of Extraction:
Steam distillation from the leaves of the tree

Powerful, clear, slightly sweet aroma. Clear in colour.

Suggested uses:
1 drop each of Niaouli, Sweet Thyme and Lavender in the water of an oil burner will help maintain a healthy workforce at the office during the winter months.
As an alternative to harsh preparations, try mixing 2 drops of Niaouli and 2 drops of Lavender in half a pint of boiled water and gently wash playground-worn elbows and knees.
Ease away everyday aches and pains with 2 drops of Niaouli, 2 drops of Lavender and I drop of black pepper in 10ml of Peach Kernel, massage the area or swirl the mixture into a warm bath, lie back and soak in the oils.

Melaleuca Viridiflora is a member of the Tea Tree family of oils. The tree grows wild in New Caledonia in such profusion that cultivation is not necessary. The oil is extracted from the leaves by steam distillation.

Did you know?
It is used as a component in many medicinal or pharmaceutical preparations such as cough drops, mouth sprays and gargles.

Specific Safety Advice:
Avoid the use of this oil during pregnancy

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